Monday, September 26, 2016

Indian Cricket Team - ft. Mr. Mean, Mr. Median & Mr. Mode

Indian National Cricket team has to check its batting line-up strength ahead of an International tournament. BCCI has appointed Mr. Panda for this task and asked three veteran bears to assist Mr. Panda

So, First there is Mr.Panda
Then there are Mr. Mean, Mr. Median, and Mr. Mode. They are our average bears:
Mr. Panda wanted to know how the players of Indian national team were doing. He called for Mr. Mean, Mr. Median, and Mr. Mode and said:
Mr. Panda: Go to the stadium and find out how the average player is scoring.

[Averages look at groups of things (or individuals) and point out what’s common, normal, or ordinary]

Mr. Mean went to Stadium first. The Cricketers had differing number of runs

Mr. Mean is mean. He took all their runs and counted them. There were two hundred and seventy runs in total by nine batsmen. He divided all the runs into nine piles. Each player got 30 runs:

This made some of the players happy and some mad!

Mr. Mean went back to Mr. Panda and said:
Mr. Mean: The players are great. The average player has 30 runs.
But after Mr. Mean left, the players who lost runs took them back. So all the players had the same number of runs as before.

Mr. Median went to Stadium second. Mr. Median loves the middle. He found the player with the middle amount of runs and reported this number to Mr. Panda.
Mr. Median: The players are okay. The average player has 21 runs.
Finally Mr. Mode went to see the squirrels. Mr. Mode loves whatever happens most often.

He came back and said…
Mr. Mode: The batsmen are terrible!!! The average player only has thirteen run.
Whom should Mr. Panda believe? He sent the Three Average Bears to Cricket Stadium and they all came back with different answers. What do you think is the best average?

Significance of Mean, Median and Mode for Engineers:

"As an engineer, I often faced situations with more than one “right” answer. A good engineer can usually make the numbers say almost anything. However, a great engineer uses her judgement to find the best and most accurate way to present the data. Some clients pressure you to give them the answers they want. However, this never pays off in the long run. Someone could get hurt. And even if no one gets hurt, someone else is bound to look at the data later. If they find data splicing, your client could get sued and lose more money than if you had told them the truth. Also, you could lose your licence for bad engineering practice. Engineering is more than number crunching; it’s about being honest and using good judgement" - By Hannah Holt
Hannah Holt is A Children's Author, the concept of bears is taken from her blog
